When it comes to school, my 4th grade perfectionist pops up way. too. often. This is increasingly clear when discussing "academic issues" with my dear husband who is totally a perfectionist in his own way...but who gawks at me open-mouthed after I merely suggest that my teacher is being totally and utterly ridiculous by suggesting a REVIEW should not include PERSONAL OPINIONS because correct me if I'm wrong but ISN'T THAT THE DEFINITION OF A REVIEW?!...to which Adam said, "Yeah, so, how many points did you lose on this assignment, exactly?" and I said "Well, none exactly, but that isn't the point because as you can see here on the rubric he almost took half a point off and that is completely unwarranted AM I RIGHT?" to which he says, "....." "...????...." and then just shakes his head.
In totally unrelated news, I think I may be a tad sensitive to criticism?