
Here's looking at you, lady to my left:

Ways to be the worst lecture-attender ever:

1. Arrive late.
2. Arrive late and leave again a mere 30 seconds later to return with a newsletter.
3. Arrive late, leave again a mere 30 seconds later to return with a newsletter, and proceed to very obviously read said newsletter in the middle of lecture.
4. Arrive late, leave again a mere 30 seconds later to return with a newsletter, proceed to very obviously read said newsletter in the middle of lecture, AND THEN START CLIPPING YOUR FINGERNAILS.

Now excuse me while I very self-consciously munch on my carrots and apple for lunch.

Keep it classy out there.


lauren said...

Oh wow. I would share some stories from the workplace fitness center, but they're a little too gross for your blog. Why are people so weird?!

Katie said...

Oh no she didn't!!! That. Is. Gross.

Sara said...

Thank you both for understanding!!! Adam tried to make me feel high maintenance. What.EVER! haha. Okay I have some tendencies but this is not one of them!!!