

Friday, July 10, 2009

I am in Nicaragua.

Sitting atop my bunk bed in the early evening, listening to shrieking children play soccer and occasionally, amidst shouts and giggles, practice their English. It makes me smile.

It's unreal to be here--unlike anywhere I've ever been.

Makes me yearn to speak Spanish--ache to communicate with these beautiful, brown-eyed little ones.

This morning we went to a clinic Sarah directs--a sort of VBS-type atmosphere. It was wild and chaotic and dramatic and awesome.

I stood and watched the children--dark-eyes, thick lashes, quick smiles, beautiful--just watched and smiled and thought, "You will know much more happiness than most of my own neighbors."


Rebecca said...

I'm so jealous right now. Green with envyl.

lauren said...

This makes me so hopeful. Thanks for sharing. :)

lauren h. said...

I remember that evening...it was beautiful indeed :-)
i really enjoyed you on our trip...and you can consider our pool open...anytime you want to come and hang out!

Sara said...

You may soon regret making that offer, Lauren...:)

I am SO glad I got to travel with you! And pretty sure I would be stuck on the side of the road if it wasn't for you. Or staying in the Bearded Monkey. haha. You were so fabulous! Let's hang out SOON, por favor!!!