
Miscalculations of the future

In watching another TED Talk, I was intrigued by a question posed (at the 28:00 mark, if you are interested):

If you had to solve one of these problems, which would you choose--terrorism or poverty?


Anonymous said...

Poverty facillitates terrorism... so poverty.

lauren said...

Oooh...I go with Anonymous. That's a really good question, though. It's sobering to think about how much that stuff is intertwined.

Jessica said...


The poverty/terrorism myth: http://money.cnn.com/2007/03/13/magazines/fortune/pluggedin_murphy_terror.fortune/index.htm

Let the church rid the poverty.

Jessica...Click Me! said...

Click on my name to read the article of the poverty/terrorism myth.

kimberly said...

oh I would DEFINITELY choose poverty. because poverty seems so much more...preventable? it seems like terrorism is something SO out of my hands..something I wouldn't be able to do anything about anyhow. and it seems like I would rather have people not in poverty taking their chances against terrorism, than have "safe" people who can't feed their children.

lauren h. said...

haha! 4 months and counting :-)

Sarah Amador said...

poverty. i can`t change hearts but i can help feed hungry bellies and minds.

Anonymous said...

Poverty because terrorism is a product of poverty.
(That posted article was such crap...)